Learning to programのThe Basicsの最後でAlan Gauld先生に言われたようにOXOのプログラムを書いてみることにする。とりあえずDebian Referenceをさらっと読んで問題点は把握したのでそういう感じで進んでいくことが出来る。



The Edsac Simulator

Tutorial Guide※PDFがむちゃくちゃ今の自分に適切そうなのでこれを読んでいくことにする。ちょっと自分で考えて実行しろやおらああという感じでOXO作ってみてねと言われてたんだったら違うかもしれないけど、英語の勉強にもなるし、OXOってゲームはなんぞって感じなんで許してくだしぁ。


In the late 1940s the EDSAC - and “electronic brains” in general - captured the public imagination and were widely reported in the press. Before you begin using the simulator you might like to read the newspaper headlines and extracts below; while not always accurate or temperate, they do capture the excitement of the period.
A Don Builds a Memory Short, dapper Dr. M.V. Wilkes, director of the Cambridge mathematical laboratory and ex-wartime radar backroom boy, is in charge of the calculator ... He told me yesterday: “The brain will carry out mathematical research. It may make sensational discoveries in engineering, astronomy, and atomic physics. It may even solve economic and philosophic problems too complicated for the human mind. There are millions of vital questions we wish to put to it.”

  • Daily Mail, October 1947

Electronic brains will carry out mathematical research. It may make sensational discoveries in engineering, astronomy, and atomic physics. It may even solve economic and philosophic problems too complicated for the human mind. There are millions of vital questions we wish to put to it.

This is how it works. First Mr Wilkes fed a strip of paper punched with holes into a “ticker-tape” machine. As the paper ticked through ... miniature television screens showed a row of green blobs ... then almost instantaneously a teleprinter nearby began to print rows of figures. That was all. There were no dramatic sparks, no dramatic flashes ...
There are not enough “brains” to go around at the moment, but a dozen would probably be sufficient for the whole country ... The future? The “brain” may one day come down to our level and help with our income-tax and book-keeping calculations. But this is speculation and there is no sign of it so far.

  • The Star, June 1949


4, which cover programming and debugging, should be accessible to anyone acquainted with programming at the machine-code or assembler level. Finally, in Section 5 a number of programming problems are given, which range from elementary to quite difficult.




# list variable - 3 colums 3raws - After user input - o, x = oxo OK?
# Loop block til game end
    # User input 1-9
    # Change Dict variable for that
    # If you can, this part is for computer brain's part.
    # If block - Check game end - If 3 colums 3raws ~
# Game end - exit game - if you can, print out which user win.

# Neccesary variables:3list(oxo main), User input value1-9,  

# Problem! Fill 9 Necessary to Draw.

import sys
row1 = [' ', ' ', ' ']
row2 = [' ', ' ', ' ']
row3 = [' ', ' ', ' ']
end = 0
o_count = 0 # For Draw Count

print ("Game Start")
while  end != 1:
    userInputO = int(raw_input("User_O Enter number1-9: "))
    if userInputO == 1:
        row1[0] = 'o'
    elif userInputO == 2:
        row1[1] = 'o'
    elif userInputO == 3:
        row1[2] = 'o'
    elif userInputO == 4:
        row2[0] = 'o'
    elif userInputO == 5:
        row2[1] = 'o'
    elif userInputO == 6:
        row2[2] = 'o'
    elif userInputO == 7:
        row3[0] = 'o'
    elif userInputO == 8:
        row3[1] = 'o'
    elif userInputO == 9:
        row3[2] = 'o'
    print ("%s%s%s" % (row1[0], row1[1], row1[2]))
    print ("%s%s%s" % (row2[0], row2[1], row2[2]))
    print ("%s%s%s" % (row3[0], row3[1], row3[2]))
    o_count += 1 # For Draw Count

    if ((row1[0] == 'o') and (row1[1] == 'o') and (row1[2] == 'o')) or ((row2[0] == 'o') and (row2[1] == 'o') and (row2[2] == 'o')) or ((row3[0] == 'o') and (row3[1] == 'o') and (row3[2] == 'o')) or ((row1[0] == 'o') and (row2[0] == 'o') and (row3[0] == 'o')) or ((row1[1] == 'o') and (row2[1] == 'o') and (row3[1] == 'o')) or ((row1[2] == 'o') and (row2[2] == 'o') and (row3[2] == 'o')) or ((row1[0] == 'o') and (row2[1] == 'o') and (row3[2] == 'o')) or ((row1[2] == 'o') and (row2[1] == 'o') and (row3[0] == 'o')):
        end = 1
        winner = 'User_O'
    elif o_count == 5: #For Draw
        end = 1
        winner = "No winner - Draw"
        userInputX = int(raw_input("User X Enter number1-9: "))
        if userInputX == 1:
            row1[0] = 'x'
        elif userInputX == 2:
            row1[1] = 'x'
        elif userInputX == 3:
            row1[2] = 'x'
        elif userInputX == 4:
            row2[0] = 'x'
        elif userInputX == 5:
            row2[1] = 'x'
        elif userInputX == 6:
            row2[2] = 'x'
        elif userInputX == 7:
            row3[0] = 'x'
        elif userInputX == 8:
            row3[1] = 'x'
        elif userInputX == 9:
            row3[2] = 'x'
        print ("%s%s%s" % (row1[0], row1[1], row1[2]))
        print ("%s%s%s" % (row2[0], row2[1], row2[2]))
        print ("%s%s%s" % (row3[0], row3[1], row3[2]))
        if ((row1[0] == 'x') and (row1[1] == 'x') and (row1[2] == 'x')) or ((row2[0] == 'x') and (row2[1] == 'x') and (row2[2] == 'x')) or ((row3[0] == 'x') and (row3[1] == 'x') and (row3[2] == 'x')) or ((row1[0] == 'x') and (row2[0] == 'x') and (row3[0] == 'x')) or ((row1[1] == 'x') and (row2[1] == 'x') and (row3[1] == 'x')) or ((row1[2] == 'x') and (row2[2] == 'x') and (row3[2] == 'x')) or ((row1[0] == 'x') and (row2[1] == 'x') and (row3[2] == 'x')) or ((row1[2] == 'x') and (row2[1] == 'x') and (row3[0] == 'x')):
            end = 1
            winner = 'User_X'
print ("Game end - Winner %s" % (winner)) 



とりあえずこれで、またAlan Gauld先生のテキストに戻ってみようかなぁ。自分的にはこれで結構満足したし。

Alan Gauld先生のテキストに戻って、駄目そうだったら色々なものにまた手を広げてみるって感じでいいんじゃないかなー。