
Learning to program - The Basics - The Raw Materials - ~Other Collection Types

One common style which we will use a lot is to start variable names with a lower case letter and use a capital letter for each first letter of subsequent words in the name, like this:aVeryLongVariableNameWithCapitalisedStyle Python a varia…

Learning to program - The Basics

Simple Sequences In the most recent versions of Python you can change this behavior to always produce real numbers from a division by adding this line to the top of your program:>>> from __future__ import division なんかimportとか使い始め…


SCIM Anthyなんてのを試して、理由は忘れた(見返してみたらLocale変更するんで見た目やら設定が英語じゃなくなるのと、Emacsで日本語入力してもMS-IMEぐらい使えるように慣れないと日記書けないなぁってことで諦めてたんだった。これなら他の入力環境にした…

GNU nano

Help読み。 Main nano help text The nano editor is designed to emulate the functionality and ease-of-use of the UW Pico text editor. There are four main sections of the editor. The top line shows the program version, the current filename be…

English and tools

Fast Look up Alc http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/12024 googledefine_popup.user.js http://d.hatena.ne.jp/mallowlabs/20061130/1164904737 Wordnet@PDIC@Firepop! http://wordnet.princeton.edu/wordnet/ ここからダウンロード WordNet 〜 for UNIX…

Learning to Programを進める

Introduction - What, Why, Who etc. What do I need? What is 'Programming'?>>We already said that programming was the art of making a computer do what you want, but what is a program?>>In fact there are two distinct concepts of a program. Th…